Calgary Vitamin D Study
The Calgary Vitamin D study resulted in several original manuscripts, replies to letter writers about our manuscripts, and development of new techniques that were possible because of the study (but not directly related to vitamin D).
Journal Publications

Reply Letters
Related Publications
About the Study
This study was made possible by Pure North S’Energy Foundation through an investigator-initiated research grant proposal.
Its success was in large part due to the dedicated team at the University of Calgary who were involved in all aspects of the study from original design to implementation. A special thanks to our staff including Sharon Gaudet, Jane Allan, Michelle Kan, Anne Cooke, Stephanie Kwong, Jolene Allan, Duncan Raymond and Amanda Sellar-Bouchard.
Most of all, we want to thank the people who volunteered for this study and who dedicated three years of their lives to taking daily doses of vitamin D and making regular trips to our facility at the McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health for their study visits.
Although data collection is now complete, we continue to work on the enormous volume of data that was collected. As we publish further findings, we will add them to the list on this page.
Last updated in October, 2024.