Bone Imaging Laboratory University of Calgary


Please find some useful links related to the Bone Imaging Laboratory and our YouTube videos.


We have created a number of videos for learning how to use our software and learning about the reserach we do.

Bonelab Git Repository

Learn how to download, install and contribute to our BoneLab Git repository through a series of YouTube videos prepared by Dr. Bryce Besler. This repository includes tools for visualization, image processing, and example scripts in Python and R.

Part 1: Welcome
Part 2: Overview
Part 3: Structure
Part 4: Tools
Part 5: Versioning & contributing
Part 6: Relation to Numerics88
Part 7: Dependencies
Part 8: zsh fix
Part 9: Clone & Install
Part 10: Example Data
Part 1: Closing

Technical Webinars

Presentations on how to perform some of our key activities in the lab are collected here.

Registration webinar
Normative webinar
Statistical Data Exploration & Implementation using R
EOS Lower Limb Tutorial
Normative 2.0 Tutorial

Research Presentations

A collection of presentations that members of the lab have produced so that we can share our science.

Kurt Hildebrand: Assessing Skeletal Muscle at the Proximal Tibia using Second Generation HR-pQCT
ML in Bones: What are Functions?
Tannis Kemp: Estimation of Model Parameters for Subject-Specific Prediction of Bone Adaptation
Pre-Flight Biomarkers of Bone Remodelling Predict Bone Loss on Long-Duration Spaceflight
Bone Imaging Laboratory: Overview
High-dose Vitamin D Supplementation Affects Bone Density Differently in Females than Males
MicroCT Image Tours
Postdoc Research Slam - Leigh Gabel
An investigation into predictive fracture modelling using machine. PhD Candidate Danielle Whittier

Podcasts and Radio

Sometimes we get publicity through podcasts or radio interviews.

TBONE Podcast
TBONE on Deutschlandradio
TBONE on Deutschlandradio
TBONE on Norddeutscher Rundfunk
TBONE on Norddeutscher Rundfunk