Bone Imaging Laboratory University of Calgary



Lab hikes, events, activities and more…


Extracting the skeleton from CT images using machine learning

Using machine learning, we can extract the skeleton from CT scans. In this animation each frame represents a different person. There were 1000 people automatically segmented included in this animation.

Simulating X-rays from CT images

Starting with a CT scan, we can create projections that look like an X-ray. If we rotate the projections and stitch them together we can an animation as you see here. It is based on 360 views.

Automated definition of regions of interest from knee images

We are working on a project to extract the cortical and trabecular bone in the knee (tibia shown) using machine learning on data collected using high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (top). Once defined, an atlas-based registration is used to define the three regions of interests in each compartment (bottom).

Just going for a walk in our back yard
Just going for a walk in our back yard